Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 8: Hair

Well, friends, this bronchitis is officially kicking my butt. So this post is going to be short and to the point. Disclaimer: I will be venting!

I'm getting my hair done next week! So excited about that. :) But one of the things I enjoy about being single is the fact that I no longer have someone telling me how much they don't like my hair. I mean, really? Is it your hair? No. So do you have a say in what I do to it? No. Do I care what you think? No.

I really wish I could have learned to say that but I didn't. Now I realize that if you can't love me even though my hair is not precisely what you think it should be, well then you are not worth my time.

While looks are important, true beauty is on the inside. So whether my hair is blonde, red, black or brunette, it really should not matter because if someone loves me then they won't really care.

This is the end of my venting session. Thank you for listening :) But seriously, people. No one enjoys getting their hair done, being excited about it, and then having some jerk tell them it's not good enough. Am I right or am I right?

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