Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 20: Annoying

So this blog post is going to pretty much be one big "vent fest". I'm just annoyed with a lot of things in life right now. Especially when people do annoying things to me or my friends and it makes me wonder what planet they are from. You know what I mean?!

First off all, people need to keep to their own business. I'm so tired of noses being where they aren't supposed to be. The other day someone called my best friend stupid for something that a) wasn't stupid at all and b) was absolutely NOT his concern. So that was just really rude of him to say. Oh, and he doesn't really know her that well so that just adds to the reasons why he is annoying me.

Second, people who drive like they don't know what winter in ND is like. I mean, really?! Why do you need to drive a school bus on icy, snow-drifted roads going 65? I know 65 isn't very fast but at the same time, it's winter. You should seriously slow down and think about how uninviting the ditch is. I don't know, guys. I was just annoyed by it because it's just common sense to slow down on ice. Did I mention that this guy was riding my tail for about 10 minutes before he passed me? Well, he was. I was going 55. haha! :)

Third. Some people must think my best friend and I are idiots. I won't go into details because it's a long story but basically I think these people thought we had no brains. Well, I do have a brain. Which is why I am writing this right now, actually.

End of venting. It's been a few days and things have just added up and I couldn't hold it in :) so thank you for listening to my venting and I hope you are inspired to go vent! (just kidding) :P

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