Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 55: Satisfied

I feel like most people in my position (that being single) would probably be really unhappy and lonely and whatnot. I have to be honest. Yeah, I get lonely and I wish I had a boyfriend. But I actually feel really satisfied with my life right now. Being single is a blessing. It gives us time to grow as an individual.

Honestly? I like having to just think about myself. Now, I'm not trying to sound selfish in any way, so don't get me wrong. haha. What I mean is, I am enough to deal with! Adding someone else into that isn't going to help me right now. Being alone is for the best. I will grow from this and then I'll be ready.

I'm so excited for my missions trip to Miami. You guys have NO idea. I'm super excited! I'm just counting down the days for it. This is going to push me out of my comfort zone but I'm ready. This is just going to make my journey that much better.

I'm on day 55. This is so cool. I am one-seventh of the way done with this journey. :) be proud of me friends. I am proud of myself and confident that I will make it through and come out a better woman.

Love you all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 52: Swamped

I have been on the go all week! Finally I can just take a deep breath and just relax and finally write another blog post. I don't like going this long without posting, but I literally have been running around for days. I have had either a test, presentation, quiz, or assignment due almost every single day.

Enough for excuses :)

I have to publicly apologize to my best friend, Liz. I have been so consumed with myself and all the stuff I have had to do this week that I have barely been in contact with her. When I do, it's kind of distant. And for that, my dear, I'm sorry :) I LOVE YOU!

On a better note, I am officially going to Miami for a missions trip! Over spring break! :) I'm really excited. Tonight I get to meet some of my team members. I'm really excited for what God has in store for me. I know I am going to grow on this trip and I really think it's going to be great.

That's all. Love you all :)

Facts about me:
1) I love Ranch Goldfish. Best snack everrr.
2) I wish I could live off campus next year but I don't have the money for it. Sad.
3) My grandma got me Black Hills Gold for my birthday. She rocks!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 45: Boooooo

So guess what day is approaching quickly? You guessed it...Valentine's Day. Or should I say, Singles Awareness Day?

Yes. The holiday of pink, red and white is in a few days and the only reason I will buy a bag of candy is so I can stuff my face. Am I sad I don't have a valentine this year? Not really, actually. Before I dated my ex, I went almost 17 years without one so I think I can survive one more year.

Now, as you know, my favorite color is pink. So that makes V-day sort of hard because I won't be wearing pink this year. I will be wearing black I think in protest! :) And I will be eating a big thing of ice cream and watching a sappy movie with Vanessa. It's going to be a great day :P

For all of you who do have Valentines, I'm not jealous. I'm really not. You have fun. And I'll have fun. And everyone will just have a jolly ole' time! :P

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 41: Packers

Tomorrow is the SuperBowl people! And as you can imagine, I am rooting for the Packers! :)

Why? Well, they are the closest team to my home state. (Lame, I know. But I need reasons!)
I like their colors. Their logo is pretty sweet. I just feel like rooting for them, ok? I don't need a real reason because I honestly don't know that much about football. I know what a touchdown is and basic stuff. Other than that, I will just smile and nod.

I guess we will see tomorrow night who the winner is. Good luck to both teams. Go Packers!

Facts about me:
1) The friends I have now are the friends I want to keep forever.
2) I love ice cream and I love eating it all year round.
3) My 21st birthday is in 18 days!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 38-39: Bieber

Yes, friends. I really did just title this post Bieber. And yes, I am going to talk about Justin Bieber in my blog post tonight. Why? Well my friend Vanessa and I witnessed a girl on the bus today complaining about how Justin Bieber's music is "sinful music".

Really? Let me post some lyrics for you. I honestly am not a die-hard Bieber fan, but I do give the kids props for a cute voice and ever cuter lyrics.


For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we're here together
And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And I'm in pieces, baby fix me
And just shake me 'til you wake me from this bad dream
I'm goin' down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

See anything bad? Me neither! How about this song? (I love this one. Too cute :)

One Time:

Your world is my world and my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath and your heart is my heart
And now I've got my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure.
Lemme tell you one time, girl I love you, girl I love you
Imma tell you one time, girl I love you, girl I love you
And Imma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl...always making time for you.
Lemme tell you one time, girl I love, girl I love you.

I'm sorry. Maybe I am blind. I don't see anything wrong with this song. I really enjoy this song, and I like a cute, clean, honest song every once in a while. You can say what you want, but I like the Bieber and I can't call his music sinful.

Facts about me (I forgot to do this the other day :)
1) I hate the smell of tuna but I like to eat it.
2) I like to curl my hair. I think it makes me look nicer and older.
3) Biggest Loser is one of my favorite shows and it always makes me cry.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 37: Lizzy

I just want to dedicate this blog post to my very best friend in the whole wide world: Lizzy!!! :)

This girl is like my other half, my twin, myself. She and I have been best friends for like, three years now and it has been amazing to have her in my life. I love this girl. For real, people.

I hope you all have a guy or girl to call your best friend. It is always good to have a bunch of friends, but having a best friend can't be replaced. I would rather have a true friend who I can confide in and who loves me then a bunch of shallow, surface level friendships.

So yeah. Nothing deep tonight, friends. I just wanted you to know that I don't think I would survive without my Lizzy and I just thought this would cheer her up. Love you :)

Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me and honestly,
My life would suck without you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 36: Continued

Dear Future Husband,
I wonder what grudges you have been holding on to? Because let's face it. We both know you aren't perfect. I hope the hurt you have experienced will make you stronger.
Love always,

Day 36: Grudges

We all have them. Those little (or big) issues that stick in our minds for a long time. We fight with them, push them away, hide them, confront them, or sometimes we just don't do anything to them. Regardless, they are there and they will be if we don't do something about it.

I'll be the first one to admit that I hold grudges. I have a handful things in my life that are honestly super hard to forget about. It's hard sometimes to move on and let myself heal.

Tonight I started wondering if I am holding on to those things because it really is difficult to heal. Or maybe I'm holding on to them because I refuse to move forward? I guess it could really be either of them. I haven't exactly figured that out yet. I don't want to be one of those people that holds on to things my whole entire life, but I do understand that I am only human.

However, with God's power I can let go of those burdens. I'm not saying it could ever go away overnight. Some say time heals all. I say, and I'm always right (:P), that time, effort, and prayer heals. It takes more than just sitting around in your Lazy Boy. We actually have to put that conscious effort in each day to move forward.

So yeah. I'm trying...I really am. I guess one of my goals is to not hold grudges anymore. All they do is make me grumpy and bitter. I honestly like being happy! Nothing better than having a clear mind and a joyful heart.

I've decided to start something new on my blog. Along with writing my husband post (which I haven't done in awhile..ooopsie!) I will be writing a few random facts about myself. Just because I can! :)

Random Facts:

:) I love dill pickle chips.
:) Here Without You by 3 Doors Down is my all time favorite song. Probably always will be.
:) I never use bookmarks. I can always remember what page I am on in a book, even if it has been weeks since I picked the book up.