Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 66: Confident

Yeah yeah yeah. I know. It's been awhile. I'm not even going to make an excuse. Except that I have been busy. But that's the only one I got :)

Anyways, a lot has been going on so let's just do an overview! I turned 21 last week! And no, I don't drink and I have zero interest in drinking. Second, I have had a presentation or test seriously about every day this last week and a half. It has been crazy busy for me. I have survived!

So I'm not going to tell you the whole story, but basically there has been some drama in my life this last week. Someone I thought was my friend pretty much said she doesn't like me at all and stuff like that. It was pretty shocking and blind sided me to be honest. I'm not trying to bash her on here...just going to make a point.

I never have been a super confident person, especially about how I look and things like that. You might be thinking, "no're pretty" and yes. I know God made me in His image, therefore, I am beautiful.

I just have never looked at myself in the mirror and been totally satisfied with the woman I see. Part of the reason is because of the fact that I had an abusive ex who made me feel bad about myself. It also has to do with how society portrays beauty. I don't need to tell you about that because I'm sure everyone feels like that at some point in their lives.

Honestly, I have been single for almost 7 months and over this time I have learned to love myself. I don't walk around with an attitude or anything like that. Those who really know me understand who I really am. But rather, I have decided that what my ex said about me isn't the truth. I see myself to be beautiful now. I haven't felt that way about myself for years, and it's honestly nice to be satisfied with how I look.

I just want to encourage you guys to look at yourself and know that God made you to be beautiful. Don't let someone tell you otherwise. And ladies, if your boyfriend is telling you that you are ugly, fat, not good enough, DUMP HIM. Please don't let someone degrade you. It's not worth it.

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