Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 4: Memories

So this post might be a little different from the other ones because I manly focused on my future husband and what I want in life, but this post is going to be looking back on 2010. Typical? Probably. Most everyone at this time of the year, and especially the last day of the year, are looking back on 2010 and seeing what things were good and what things were bad. It's also a great time to see how you have changed and how you have grown as a person.

That is exactly what I am going to do. :-) So here are just a few things I can honestly say I am proud of.

1) I fought hard.
- As you know already, the things I went through in my previous relationship were heartbreaking. One thing I can say is that there was a point where I said, "I've had it!" and I finally began to stand up for myself. That is not always an easy thing to do when someone is trying to bring you down, but I did it. God gave me the strength to see what was really happening in that relationship. I took action and things didn't necessarily get better, but I sure wasn't quiet about how disgusted I was.

2) I worked hard.
- I have had steady jobs since I was 16. I enjoy working, and I especially enjoy working hard. I really can't stand when people sit around and expect to be paid the same way as someone who is sweating and getting the job done. If you are gonna have a job, work hard. Don't be a lazy bum because it is seriously annoying. (sorry to rant, but it's true people)

- Anyways, I am proud of myself for working hard during my summer jobs as well as at school. I have maintained a great GPA regardless of struggles in my life. God gave me the strength to focus and run that race.

3) I loved hard.
- Even though I am kind of "anti-love" right now, I have to say that I truly have loved this year. I loved through the hard times and the bad times, and times when I seriously should not have. Even though I got it shoved in my face, at least I can say I was the one who tried, right?

- I also really love my best friend (you know who you are : ) and she and I have had many nights of crying together. She has been there for me 100 % and I would never leave her side because she has never left mine. As we get into 2011, I am sure our friendship will only grow stronger as we seek God together.

- I also love my family, who in the past I have hurt, because they have never left my side and have loved me when I didn't deserve it.

And that, my friends, is what I am thankful for. 2010 has seriously been one of the hardest years of my life so far but I survived! Tomorrow starts a new year and I am officially letting go of the past. I'm excited for what lies ahead. I can't imagine what God has in store for me. :-)

1 comment:

  1. aawe i love you bestie! :) Its been a crazy year for us for sure, but im so glad we have each other! 2011 will be amazingggg! :)
